A practical guide to the heating thermostat

With an electric heating thermostat, you control energy consumption and save money with programmable models. Indispensable to ensure the thermal comfort of your home, the thermostat allows you to reduce your consumption by up to 15%. What are the advantages of a thermostat to control your electric heating? How does this device work? What equipment to choose from and at what price?


What is a heating thermostat used for?

What is a thermostat? The heating thermostat is a device that connects to your central electrical system and whose objective is to control and regulate your home's temperature according to your settings and preferences. Adapt the heat output of your radiators to correspond to the temperature you have set, also called "set temperature". Hive Thermostat installation at Harrow is also available online.


You can control your radiators via radio waves or a wired circuit with a pilot wire, depending on the model. A thermostat can also be connected directly to an electric boiler to heat water, to underfloor heating and, of course, to radiators. For each model of your use, be sure to choose the thermostat compatible with your equipment.


Why install a heating thermostat?

Nest thermostat installation has many advantages.



Energy savings and lower bills

Thanks to better heating control, it optimizes electricity consumption and reduces the amount of the bill. No longer heat your home when it is empty, and set your rooms to the right temperature.


Nest thermostat installation at Harrow must be carrying out with help of expert only.


A reduced ecological footprint

A poorly insulated or poorly heated home consumes energy, which represents an actual cost for your pocket and the planet and the environment.


Better valuation of your home

Standards-compliant, well-maintained and efficient equipment, as well as good thermal insulation, can improve your home's classification and earn better energy and climate labels. If you rent or sell your house, that is one of the best arguments!


The different types of electric heating thermostat

A programmable or non-programmable room thermostat

A non-programmable room thermostat makes it possible to adjust the healing power of the radiators to a specific temperature. Programmable models have one big difference: you can define warm-up time bands. Choose eco mode when you are away to limit consumption if your house is empty. Thanks to this type of programmer, the temperature of certain rooms or areas automatically decreases or increases, depending on the hours. Therefore, always prefer a programmable electric heating thermostat.


Wired room thermostats

The thermostat is connected to your electric heating system and radiators through a pilot cable that transmits information regarding the heating power to increase or decrease according to the data recorded by a probe.


An integrated thermostat in the radiator or thermostatic valves

You can also replace its manual control wheel with a thermostatic valve or buy a radiator that incorporates a thermostat for an insulated electric radiator. The valves, which may or may not be connected, allow room-by-room temperature regulation like the centralized thermostat.

When choosing a heating thermostat, make sure the model you choose is compatible with your electrical system.